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Messages - delovoy

Mod Mania / Heroes of might and magic III: Horn of the Abyss


So, what is Horn of the Abyss?
HotA is a global add-on for Heroes of might and magic III that extends (and fixes if needed) classical gameplay elements and adds some of its own. On a more conceptual level ? HotA is an attempt to continue legendary series RoE-AB-SoD as close to the original as it could have been done by NWC team, if only they had more desire, resources or even understanding of their own game. We try to keep classical h3 spirit in every tiny detail from code nuances to overall gameplay. Be welcome to check if we?ve succeeded

So, is it official? Do you keep in contact with Heroes III developers?
Original developers, alas, no longer exist as a team and current franchise owners are not really interested in continuing old storyline. So, no, we are not that official.


Az örökzöld Heroes of might and magic III unoffical kiegészítője. (Mellesleg hozzáteszem, hogy simán elmenne eredeti kiegészítőnek, hiszen hatalmas erőfeszítést fektetnek a minőségbe.) Kapunk egy teljesen új várat, ékszereket, egységeket, javításokat. A Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete vagy a The Shadow of Death verziókra telepíthető.

Érdemes még felrakni hozzá a HoMM3 HD mod-ot, mert nagyobb monitorokon már zavaró az eredeti 800x600-as felbontás élsimítás és egyéb javítások nélkül.

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HotA_1.3.3_eng_setup.exe: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

HoMM3 HD: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Mod Mania / Medal of Honor: Cooperative Mod

New features: The tanks can aim if there are more players
you can choose skill levels: Easy- Normal - Hard.
Easy: means the original enemies of MOHAA.
Normal: +10-15 more enemies on each maps
Hard: ++10-15 more enemies! (means 20-30 more like the original game)

Hatalmas klasszikus játék a Medal of Honor: Allied Assault most már kooperatív modban is elérhetõ, hála Marvin_hun aka Giskard-nak. Barátainkkal végigjátszhatjuk a MOHAA elsõ fejezet küldetéseit, illetve a MOHAA Breakthrough és Spearhead kiegészítõk összes pályáját. Érdemes a GoG Mohaa kiadását használni, mivel erre a verzióra lett építve a mod.

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Allied Assault DEMO + Spearhead FULL 1.1: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Breakthrough 1.1: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Mod Mania / Vice City Stories: PC Edition

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories PC Edition" is a Total Conversion Modification for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, bringing you a port that Rockstar never gave you. In this modification we will be converting the map, all the characters, vehicles and weapons from the ORIGINAL game files as well as porting the games weather system and atmosphere. In this modification will also be a set amount of storyline missions and side missions which will increase with each BETA release, other things will also be available such as a redesigned menu, new neon lights, HUD, radio stations, etc as well as an attempt to look through the history of the game and bring back some BETA designs as a special bonus for you. We have just released BETA3, codenamed "Blue Hesper", so be sure to give that a download and check it out! We hope you enjoy the mod and we will do our best to keep working on it. Just a reminder though, there's only a few of us actually working on this project so we do NOT know when or if we'll ever be finished but we will keep you all updated. In the meantime, enjoy our current work and spread your support! -VCS Team

Ki ne hallott volna már a Grand Theft Auto sorozatról? A Vice City Stories PC edition a ps2-re kiadott eredeti Rockstar Games által fejlesztett Vice City Stories játékot hozza át pc-re, továbbfejlesztett grafikával, bugfixekkel, automatikus frissítés keresõvel és letöltõvel. A mod még beta verzióban érhetõ el, de mindenesetre érdemes kipróbálni.  ;)


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Simple Audio Video Embedder