General Statistics - ' Tzs ,
- Total Time Spent Online:
- 29 days, 16 hours and 50 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 3,201 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 650 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 1 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 1 votes
Posting Activity By Time
- 0
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Most Popular Boards By Posts
- L 0 L
286 posts of the member's 3201 posts (8.93%)286
- Akció, horror, thriller, dráma, krimi
127 posts of the member's 3201 posts (3.97%)127
- Games
117 posts of the member's 3201 posts (3.66%)117
- International Bands
109 posts of the member's 3201 posts (3.41%)109
- Hungarian Bands
54 posts of the member's 3201 posts (1.69%)54
- "Az élet nem majális"
44 posts of the member's 3201 posts (1.37%)44
- Dokumentum
38 posts of the member's 3201 posts (1.19%)38
- Mod Mania
33 posts of the member's 3201 posts (1.03%)33
- Rajzfilmek, Retro mesék
27 posts of the member's 3201 posts (0.84%)27
- News
27 posts of the member's 3201 posts (0.84%)27
Most Popular Boards By Activity
- Single player
18 posts of the board's 18 posts (100.00%)100.00%
- Other Websites
4 posts of the board's 4 posts (100.00%)100.00%
- Game Descriptions
6 posts of the board's 6 posts (100.00%)100.00%
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
1 posts of the board's 1 posts (100.00%)100.00%
- Fun
17 posts of the board's 17 posts (100.00%)100.00%
- Support
1 posts of the board's 1 posts (100.00%)100.00%
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
13 posts of the board's 13 posts (100.00%)100.00%
- Hírek és közlemények
18 posts of the board's 19 posts (94.74%)94.74%
- News
27 posts of the board's 29 posts (93.10%)93.10%
- Rajzfilmek, Retro mesék
27 posts of the board's 29 posts (93.10%)93.10%