
[Games & Mods] => Mod Mania => News => Topic started by: ' Tzs , on 2013. November 03. - 00:27:39

Title: [RtCW SP MOD] The Victors
Post by: ' Tzs , on 2013. November 03. - 00:27:39
I'm happy to have a professional development team (Krot - Project Manager, Serg_76, 3oHT, Sergey FOXX, vicpas, shurr, Yo$hik, frinelii, Eugeny) saw him in "The Victors" mission creation.
I think the pictures and videos speak for themselves ...

Örömmel tölt el, hogy vannak még emberek, akik ekkora rajongással dolgoznak egy újabb Return to Castle Wolfenstein küldetés létrehozásán! Egy profi fejlesztõgárda (Krot-projektvezetõ, Serg_76, 3oHT, Sergey FOXX, vicpas, shurr, Yo$hik, frinelii, Eugeny) látott neki a "The Victors" misszió megalkotásának. Azt hiszem a képek és a videók mindent elárulnak... ( (

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[Developer] "Wolf's Lair" / "Волчье логово" /
[Language] Russian
[Website] WolfMap ( | SplashDamage ( | ModDB (

[Source] Das Dritte Reich (
Title: [New Trailer # 2013]
Post by: ' Tzs , on 2013. November 03. - 00:28:44
The_Victors_trailer_2013.avi (
Title: More pictures by Eugeny
Post by: ' Tzs , on 2013. November 03. - 00:35:45
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Title: More pictures by Eugeny | 2.
Post by: ' Tzs , on 2013. November 03. - 00:37:04
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Title: More pictures by Eugeny | 3.
Post by: ' Tzs , on 2013. November 03. - 00:39:35
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Title: More pictures by Eugeny | 4.
Post by: ' Tzs , on 2013. November 03. - 00:53:52
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More pictures: (
Title: Victors other info
Post by: ' Tzs , on 2013. November 03. - 01:01:27
Post subject: Re: The Victors - The Russian Modification SP for RTCW.Posted: 19 Dec 2011 21:58
Post subject: work in progress    

New level list:

1 - Kicha,
2 - odb38,
3 - rtr(Run to Rovno),
4 - Depot,
5 - Rovno,
6 - Rovno_1,
7 -Rovno_2,
8 - Rovno_3,
9 - Rovno_


10 - Rovno_4a(cutscene),
11 - Rovno_5,
12 -Rovno_6,
13 - StA_0(cutscene),
14 - StA(Cathedral StAntoniy),
15 - Rovno_7,
16 - Rovno_8,
17 - etf(Escape from Rovno{cutscene}),
18 - rtf(Run to Forest).

14 levels playable and 4 cutscenes.

 ;) O0
Title: Victors other info | 2.
Post by: ' Tzs , on 2013. November 03. - 01:04:07
List of weapons in addons "Victors"
1. knife
2. Luger
3. Walter
4. TT33
5. MP34
6. MP40
7. STG44
8. PPSH41
9. PPS43 (tentative)
10. Kar98K
11. Kar98K (sniper)
12. Mosin
13. FG42
14. G43
15. SVT40
16. Grenades (std. set)
17. Panzerfaust
18. MG34
19. flamethrower


Added poison grenade
(" rel="cached" data-hash="a1a52d3fcf203dc7cee472f59259a6ae" data-warn="External image, click here to view original" data-url="
Title: Victors other info | 3.
Post by: ' Tzs , on 2013. November 03. - 01:15:14
If you want to follow the project on other websites, please go to the following addresses:

[Wolf Lair]
WolfMap (

Gcup (

QuakeGate (

Vkontakte (

FaceBook (

Of course, the TzsPortal continue to be involved with the project and try to always have the latest information published ;)
Simple Audio Video Embedder