
General Discussion => Game Descriptions => Topic started by: M3d!C on 2010. October 17. - 21:10:09

Title: RTCW Console Commands
Post by: M3d!C on 2010. October 17. - 21:10:09
Like other Quake-Engine games, you can bring down a console with the "~" key (find it right above "Tab"). You can type various commands into this console. These commands affect things like server settings, game settings, HUD settings, and more. This list isn't complete by any stretch, but it gives you some of the more useful ones.

Please note that to enter any of these commands, first bring down the console with the "~" key, then type a "/" in front of any command. From within the console, you can use the Page Up, Page Down, and left/right arrow keys to scroll around and move the cursor. You can also use the up arrow key to recall previous commands.

If you want a complete list of console commands, you can type "/cmdlist", which will generate a long list of commands. To only show commands beginning with a particuar letter, type "/cmdlist x" where x is the letter you want.

Miscellaneous Functional Commands
These commands are useful to have for their functionality.

    /name xxxx
    Where xxxx is a string, it sets your player name to that string.

    You can put colored letters into your name by typing ^# while typing your name, where # is a number between 1 and 9. The colors are:
    1 - Red
    2 - Green
    3 - Yellow
    4 - Blue
    5 - Light Blue
    6 - Pink
    7 - White
    8 - Black
    9 - Red

    Tries to reconnect to the last server you were connected to.

    Kills you. Useful for quickly dying so you can respawn as a different class or with a different weapon.

    Quits the game.

    Shows the current server's settings.

    /toggle r_fullscreen
    Will toggle between windowed and full screen mode. You must restart the game each time it's changed.

HUD Commands
This class of commands affects different displays on the heads up display. Many of these settings can also be changed in the menus.

    /toggle cg_drawcompass
    Toggles the compass on or off.

    /toggle cg_draw2d
    Turns the entire Heads Up Display either on or off.

    /toggle cg_drawfps
    Either shows or hides your frame-per-second in the upper right-hand corner.

    Changes your field of view. Higher values give you a "fishbowl" effect that some players like, as it gives them better periferal vision.

   /toggle cg_drawtimer
    Shows the amount of time left on the level. Not too useful, since there's a clock on the screen by default.

    /toggle cg_gibs
    Toggles whether or not gibs are drawn when someone is hit particularly hard.

    /toggle cg_drawteamoverlay
    Draws or hides the team overlay information that shows health and location of all your teammates.

Voice Chat Commands
These commands affect the chat and voice commands.

    /toggle cg_novoicechats
    Setting this to 0 will make it so that the quick chat messages (e.g., "Medic!" or "I need ammo") will not make any audible sounds. They will, however, still show up as text.

    /toggle cg_novoicetext
    Setting this to 0 will make it so the quick chat messages do not show their text messages (but you will still hear audio).

    /toggle cg_teamchatsonly
    Setting this to 0 will make it so that you only see chat messages from your team.

    /bind X "vsay Y" or /bind X "vsay_team Y"
    X is a keyboard key and Y is a term from the list below. This allows you to bind specific voice commands/comments to one key instead of using the menu to navigate to the one you want. Use one of the commands below to get the desired effect:
    /bind X "vsay GoodGame"
    /bind X "vsay Hi"
    /bind X "vsay Cheer"
    /bind X "vsay Bye"
    /bind X "vsay Thanks"
    /bind X "vsay GreatShot"
    /bind X "vsay Oops"
    /bind X "vsay_team FireInTheHole"
    /bind X "vsay_team HoldYourFire"
    /bind X "vsay_team TakingFire"
    /bind X "vsay_team AllClear"
    /bind X "vsay_team DynamitePlanted"
    /bind X "vsay_team DisarmDynamite"
    /bind X "vsay_team DynamiteDefused"
    /bind X "vsay_team EnemyWeak"
    /bind X "vsay_team Incoming"
    /bind X "vsay_team DefendObjective"
    /bind X "vsay_team ClearPath"
    /bind X "vsay_team PathCleared"
    /bind X "vsay_team LetsGo"
    /bind X "vsay_team Medic"
    /bind X "vsay_team NeedAmmo"
    /bind X "vsay_team NeedEngineer"
    /bind X "vsay_team OnDefense"
    /bind X "vsay_team OnOffense"
    /bind X "vsay_team NeedBackup"
    /bind X "vsay_team FollowMe"
    /bind X "vsay_team Sorry"
    /bind X "vsay_team Welcome"
    /bind X "vsay_team Affirmative"
    /bind X "vsay_team Negative"
    /bind X "vsay_team IamEngineer"
    /bind X "vsay_team IamMedic"
    /bind X "vsay_team IamLieutenant"
    /bind X "vsay_team IamSoldier"

Respawn Hotkeys

Tired of using the Limbo menu to choose your class and weapons? No problem! Simply open up your wolfconfig.cfg file (in the \Program Files\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\main\ directory for Windows users) with any old text editor and add the following lines to the end:

    bind F1 "mp_playertype 0;mp_weapon 10;echo You will respawn as a ^2Soldier with a ^3Flame Thrower"
    bind F2 "mp_playertype 0;mp_weapon 6;echo You will respawn as a ^2Soldier with a ^3Mauser"
    bind F3 "mp_playertype 0;mp_weapon 8;echo You will respawn as a ^2Soldier with a ^3Panzerfaust"
    bind F4 "mp_playertype 0;mp_weapon 9;echo You will respawn as a ^2Soldier with a ^3Venom Gun"
    bind F5 "mp_playertype 3;mp_weapon 3;echo You will respawn as a ^2Lieutenant with a ^3MP40"
    bind F6 "mp_playertype 3;mp_weapon 4;echo You will respawn as a ^2Lieutenant with a ^3Thompson"
    bind F7 "mp_playertype 3;mp_weapon 5;echo You will respawn as a ^2Lieutenant with a ^3Sten"
    bind F8 "mp_playertype 2;mp_weapon 4;echo You will respawn as a ^2Engineer with a ^3Thompson"
    bind F9 "mp_playertype 1;mp_weapon 4;echo You will respawn as a ^2Medic with a ^3Thompson"

You can change the keys to whatever you like. When you hit the bound key, you'll set your class/weapons for the next respawn. Thanks to "CXXXVIII [AGQx]" and "elitechimera" for figuring this out!

Server Commands

These commands only work if you are the one who has set up the server. Some of them are useful, some of them are wacky.

    /map restart
    Resets the map. Everyone starts over and all previous server changes will now take place.

    /sv_maxclients xx
    Sets the maximum number (xx) of players that can connect to your server.

    /timelimit xx
    Where xx is a number, sets the time limit on the map to that many minutes.

    /kick [name]
    Kicks the named player from the server.

    /g_friendlyFire 0/1
    Sets friendly fire to either off (0) or on (1)

    Will force the Axis and Allies sides to have equal number of players.

    /g_warmup xx
    Where xx is a number, sets the warm up period before each round to that many seconds.

    /g_gravity xxx
    Where xxx is a number, sets the gravity setting to that number. Lower numbers mean less gravity where players can jump huge distances.

    /g_speed xxx
    Sets the base movement speed for players on the server. Higher numbers mean players move fast.

Network Commands

These commands affect the way the game handles incoming and outgoing data. Tweaking these may improve your network performance.

    /cl_maxpackets xxxx
    Where xxxx is a number, changes your maxpackets setting to that number. Try 100 for a LAN, 60 for broadband, and 30 for modems.

    /cl_packetdup xxxx
    Where xxxx is a number, changes your packetdup setting to that number. Try 0 for a LAN, 1 for broadband, and 1 for modems.

    /cl_snaps xxxx
    Where xxxx is a number, changes your snaps setting to that number. Try 40 for all 'net connections.

    /cl_rate xxxx
    Where xxxx is a number, changes your rate setting to that number. Try 25000 for a LAN, a figure between 25000 and 62000 for broadband, and 5500 for modems.

Recording a Demo

Recording and playing back a demo is pretty easy, but may result in a performance hit unless your machine is really beefy.

    Step 1: type "\g_syncronousclients 1" (or choose it from the server setup menu)
    Step 2: type "\record XXXXXX", where XXXXXX is what you want to name the demo
    Step 3: type "\stoprecord" once you're done recording.
    Step 4: type "\demo XXXXXX" to play back the demo. (Will also play back others' demos)

All of those commands above are without quotes, obviously.

Note: There are more commands than all these, but I added these only, because these are the most common commands.
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