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RTCW PunkBuster

Offically PunkBuster wasn't in the first version of RTCW. Travis "S4NDM4NN" Sandmann, Martin "AG3NT" Crawford and Eamon "DutchMeat" have bring PunkBuster to us, from version 1.3. We all must be thanksfull to then for this incredible job they have done.

History of PunkBuster
2005 -19th of May 2009 :
Many RTCW player were disturbed about the many cheater. Everyone everyhow tried to ban them out, but they could never do it actually. It seemed to be very hard that time when no admin was on the servers. Every modification developer tried to make a strong banning system: AvPmod, S4NDMoD. The banning systems worked properly. But they still were in trouble by the number of the admins. Everyone was crying for years 2001 - 2004, because the version 1.3 and 1.4 were quite active and they came out with PunkBuster support.

In 2008 Eamon "DutchMeat" has started a PunkBuster platform based anti-cheat client, called mousetrap which released on 19th of May 2008. There was a lot of problem about mousetrap, especially it's could only caugh the most common cheats, for example: Nullify (aimbot + wallhack hack).
Though everyone was happy for mousetrap has arrived, but the mousetrap was keep failing. There was a lot of cheater who could hack even with mousetrap.
So Dutchmeat had to go back to work on it.

19th of May 2008 - 21st. of November 2008:
Everyone recognized that moustrap is an epic fail, therefore everyone deleted it, even from got deleted from the servers. The new wanting of an anti-cheat client has began again. Though around Juny v2.0 version released, but it didn't make big sound. Noone wanted it actually. But the cheaters still were coming. Everyone tried to stop them, but nobody could. DutchMeat has gone meanwhile.

22nd and 25th of November 2009:
S4NDM4NN and AG3NT (owners of S4NDMoD) were thinking of a solution to make an anti-cheat client. That's the importation of PunkBuster. The version 1.3 has very similar code to the 1.0's. S4NDM4NN and AG3NT were working very hard. Also DutchMeat joined them, so there were 3 men working on the Project PunkBuster.

26th of November 2009:
"The day of PunkBuster".
The PunkBuster has succesfully arrived to version 1.0. Everyone were really happy.

Some Windows Vista and Windows 7 users are having some troubles with the new PunkBuster client, but every problem can be solved!

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