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Topic: Heroes of might and magic III: Horn of the Abyss (Read 7596 times) previous topic - next topic
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Heroes of might and magic III: Horn of the Abyss

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So, what is Horn of the Abyss?
HotA is a global add-on for Heroes of might and magic III that extends (and fixes if needed) classical gameplay elements and adds some of its own. On a more conceptual level ? HotA is an attempt to continue legendary series RoE-AB-SoD as close to the original as it could have been done by NWC team, if only they had more desire, resources or even understanding of their own game. We try to keep classical h3 spirit in every tiny detail from code nuances to overall gameplay. Be welcome to check if we?ve succeeded

So, is it official? Do you keep in contact with Heroes III developers?
Original developers, alas, no longer exist as a team and current franchise owners are not really interested in continuing old storyline. So, no, we are not that official.


Az örökzöld Heroes of might and magic III unoffical kiegészítője. (Mellesleg hozzáteszem, hogy simán elmenne eredeti kiegészítőnek, hiszen hatalmas erőfeszítést fektetnek a minőségbe.) Kapunk egy teljesen új várat, ékszereket, egységeket, javításokat. A Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete vagy a The Shadow of Death verziókra telepíthető.

Érdemes még felrakni hozzá a HoMM3 HD mod-ot, mert nagyobb monitorokon már zavaró az eredeti 800x600-as felbontás élsimítás és egyéb javítások nélkül.

[hs width=640 height=480][/hs]
[hs width=640 height=480][/hs]
[hs width=640 height=480][/hs]


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