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Topic: Project Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Read 6318 times) previous topic - next topic
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Project Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Few days ago has launched a new project to make RTCW more active.

Here the informations:
Do you play Return to Caslte Wolfenstein? You want to make it more active? More players? Servers? I'm gonna start running a project, but I need your help in order to do this.

A cup won't do much, it will get people interested indeed, but how can we make Return to Castle Wolfenstein more popular? With more players playing daily?

Would selling RTCW (legit) keys cheap, make people buy and play it? More mods for the game, or maps? Or give out keys for free? Give us your opinions, ideas on how to do this, how we could get a game active again?

Post comments in this news post, and read more about this here:

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● [·T·Z·S·] ● <Alapító>


Re:Project Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Reply #1
We need your screenshots and some video of the RTCW 1.0 gameplay, if you would do it, please do it with PB. When we all got all these, then the project leader can contact ID Software and Activision or maybe both. Then they will release the game again for free, so nobody have to pay then, and everyone will be able to download the game on a direct (non-torrent) download.

We need your help, because we want this game keep alive (I think you too).

Also you can make game ads by addning this bind:

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bind x "say ^1W^7ww^0.^1G^7amers^1F^7iles^0.^1N^7et^0: ^1P^7roject ^1R^7eturn ^1t^7o ^1C^7astle ^1W^7olfenstein

I hope some of you will go and help us!

● [·T·Z·S·] ● <Alapító>

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