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Topic: [SP PATCH] RtCW Single Player v1.42c (Unofficial Patch) (Read 8731 times) previous topic - next topic
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[SP PATCH] RtCW Single Player v1.42c (Unofficial Patch)

Return to Castle Wolfenstein Single Player v1.42c Unofficial Patch
By Knightmare (You are not allowed to view links.
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This is a simple patch that fixes the startup crash caused by newer video drivers
(commonly misattributed to Windows 7), adds fully native widescreen support, and
a few other fixes and tweaks.  It also fixes the crash at the level transition
from the dam to Paderborn (village2).

It is based on the v1.41 source released by John Carmack in September 2010.

As this release is not made or supported by Gray Matter, id Software, or Activision,
please don't ask them for support with this.

You should back up the WolfSP.exe, cgamex86.dll, qagamex86.dll, and uix86.dll files
in your Return to Castle Wolfenstein folder before installing this.
This can be done simply by making a subfolder called "backup" or "old" and moving
the above files there.

To install, just extract this archive into your Return to Castle Wolfenstein folder.

Note that this patch includes modified menu files in sp_pak4.pk3.  These files were
edited to add the new "scralign" attribute to various objects, to change how they
scale in widescreen video modes. and were also
edited to add the new video modes, anisotropic filtering support, and hardware
gamma support.  Mods or map packs which change the menu files will need to be
edited to replicate these changes, or they won't work right with this patch.

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