ZUD 2013. March 21. - 00:37:56 Electro-metal Pécsrõl, trance-dubstep-electro, groove-thrash-death metal ötvözettel. Last Edit: 2016. February 19. - 21:34:21 by ' Tzs ,
Re:ZUD Reply #1 – 2013. March 21. - 00:41:14 Ha tetszett a zene, akkor kattintsatok a linkre, és nyomjatok egy Like-ot a zenekarnak, h felléphessenek az idei Rockmaratonon!!! If you like the music, please check the link, and vote for the band (press like), to they can perform on the greatest hungarian rock/metal festival: Rockmaraton!!! You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login Last Edit: 2013. March 21. - 00:49:04 by Emily