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RTCW Modifications

Our story is quite short and simple... can a story be simple ? at least its understandable...

It all began in the end of december 2006, when Joppe and Licker talked about doing a simple mod for RTCW, to be able to set what ever they like, the way they like. At the begening they already understood who will do what, since Licker sucked at C and C++ we already knew that Joppe would take that part, and that Licker would of do the designing part.

After understanding all that, they starting by trying couple stuff on the server called [ARE] from AllRoundElites Clan. one of them server wasn't really used so they had a place where they could of test the mod.

Like most of mods it started kinda bad, mod was full of errors, not many, but enough to make the game hard. Both of them worked really, really hard to find them and repaire them. After a couple of month nearly end of january begining of february, the mod was finaly stable, the first step was archived.
After that, pretty much everyday, they both taught about new ideas and new stuff that they could of include inside Plan-Z and thats how the 1.5 Version of Plan-Z came out.

Right now, both are trying to make the mod even better, and working hard for it.

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' Tzs , <Alapító>


Re: RTCW Modifications

Reply #1
AvP is a retro mod for RTCW (Return to Castle Wolfenstein) 1.0/1.1 game. It was primary developed by Richard (FokkeWolf - owner of the AvP servers and the one running AvP Forums) around April/May of 2007. Mod was never targeting a wider community neither a competitive part of it. It was as it is now, a fun based mod. It was primary meant for AvP servers and was never really meant for anything more. In time mod gain it's own crowd of people and developed it's own unique style of playing.

Current version is 1.20. At the moment it is not known if there will be any other releases or even patches introduced for any newly discovered bugs.

Technical info:
AvP is a closed source mod. AvP mod was made by Richard (FokkeWolf) and Nate ('L0,). Mod has some features in common with others mods like S4NDMOD, Shrubmod etc... while features are similar the work is done solely by AvP Team. At some parts of the mod it does heavily relay on the other mods from W:ET- NQ / etPUB and uses some others mods for reference like RTCW- S4NDMOD / PSO / FRITZbot. The real credits for those functions / small fixes are not claimed by us and work acknowledgement goes to their respective authors.

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' Tzs , <Alapító>

Re: RTCW Modifications

Reply #2
S4NDMoD is a Return to Castle Wolfenstein server-side modification. S4NDMoD is designed to work best with RTCW versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.31 and demo. The mod will operate on other versions, but there are many bugs that result from running on different versions of the game and these can/will not be fixed. If you are looking for a mod for RTCW versions 1.33 or 1.4/1.41, try Shrubmod, Banimod, OSP, or Fritzbot.

Mod devs:
Travis "S4NDM4NN" Sandmann - Coder, project lead, head administrator.
Martin "AG3NT" Crawford - Coder, assistant administrator.
Ken "Crapshoot" Nickel - Coder, RTCW FritzBot developer.
Nate "L0"  - Coder, beta tester.
Kevin "KevHacker7" Bush [inactive] - Coder, project Wolf, beta tester.

S4NDMoD community members:
Maks "Splin" - Main beta tester.
Eamon "DutchMeat" - Code donations, initial 1.0 PunkBuster release.
Jesse L "Gump" - Beta tester.
"Haze" - Code donations.
Sean "Jester" - Beta tester.

S4NDMoD includes many changes that are scalable at the decision of server admins. Many exploits have been fixed in S4NDMoD including:
    * Infinite grenade spam.
    * Players dying through walls by explosions (indoor artillery)
    * Eliminated the ability to crash the server
    * Prevented no recoil on sniper rifle
    * Documents no longer are removed from the map when dropped in doorways
    * Ability of clients to download new files/maps from a server

New features:
    * A Master Ban List to ban cheaters globally
    * Automatic Anti-TK system
    * Antilag
    * Improved network code
    * Landmines
    * Automated MG42s
    * IP Address Banning
    * Admin system
    * Improved movement code for clients
    * Additional game play modes, such as:
          o Goldrush
          o Deathmatch
          o Sniper War
          o Panzer War
          o Free for all Deathmatch

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' Tzs , <Alapító>

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