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Author Topic: Legend of the Frozen Empire - Rune Coop mod  (Read 1426 times)

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Offline ' Tzs ,

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Legend of the Frozen Empire - Rune Coop mod
« on: 2014. September 02. - 16:40:14 »
[hs width=640 height=480]http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/23/22546/LOTFEcoverFixed.jpg[/hs]

The evil wizard, Frostma, hides in his castle, who wants to turn everything into ice. The player(s) can witness his already done destruction during the journey, the goal is to stop him. Kill him - so this never happens again!

Voy started the project originally, it was a small coop back in time. I (S.Boss) made a singleplayer mod years ago, but I stopped editing it( bugs, crashes, missing files... ). While playing Rune on a server, I met Voy who showed me his coop. I also showed him my unfinished singleplayer, or at least what remained from it... There were some correctly working maps, so I told Voy, I give them to him. I helped him with things like triggers or some fixes, later I decided to fix my SP maps to make them appropriate coop maps. Next, I joined him to finish the coop, I started editing totally new maps with Voy. Now, here we are with 40 coop maps ready to play for the Rune community, have fun!

A Rune egy régi kardozós játék a 2000-res évek elejérõl, ami a vikingek mitológiájába engedi betekinteni a játékost. Legend of the Frozen Empire-mod egy kooperatív mód ami lehetõvé teszi a Lotfe saját fejlesztésû singleplayer pályáit többjátékos módban végigjátszani. A mod nem korhû, ugyanis szeretet vikingjeink nemcsak a hideg északon, hanem õserdõben, sivatagban, mocsárban, de még a piramisoknál is megfordulnak.

[hs width=640 height=480]http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/23/22546/6.jpg

[hs width=640 height=480]http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/23/22546/Screenshot_2014-08-28_07.02.44.png[/hs]

[hs width=640 height=480]http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/23/22546/Screenshot_2014-08-29_11.11.22.png[/hs]

LOTFE - Legend of the Frozen Empire Trailer [HD]

This mod Rune Classic and Gold versions tested!
A mod a Rune Classic és Rune Gold verziókkal tesztelt!
« Last Edit: 2014. September 02. - 16:46:33 by ' Tzs , »
' Tzs , <Alapító>


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